I’m Anita Marriott
The Vegan
Mindset Coach
I help vegans survive and thrive in a non-vegan world.

What’s the Whole Purpose?
My whole purpose is to give every vegan access to the tools, skills and mindset they need to create a life they love. A life lived on purpose.

Call me biased, but I think
vegans are the best!
We are purpose-driven
Our actions align with our most deeply-held values
And those values are predominantly kindness, compassion and love for animals – often bolstered by care for the environment and a strong commitment to justice or fairness.
If everyone on the planet were like us, we would have a far more peaceful and sustainable world. Yay – go us vegans!
BUT, many of us are deeply unhappy.
Because the expression of our values conflicts with societal norms, we’re often filled with anxiety, resentful at the non-vegan world and in conflict with non-vegan family, friends and colleagues.
Too many of us are tired, burned-out, stressed out and traumatised, which is not conducive to a great state of health – mental, physical or emotional.
The four main ways in which we undermine ourselves.
Relationships – we alienate friends, family and colleagues and isolate ourselves from meaningful connection – this is both a symptom of and a contributing factor to Vystopia.
Activitism – we burn ourselves out through obligation, guilt, perfectionism, judgement, and in-fighting.
Stress – we traumatise ourselves through unnecessary, repeated exposure to upsetting material and experiences, creating a spiral of sensitisation that sends us ever deeper into a state of Vystopia.
Un-managed minds – we slide into victim mentality and relinquish control of our emotional lives to a world that is ill-equipped for such responsibility. Unable to deal with our feelings, we fall into unhealthy habits that dull the pain in the moment but only hurt us in the long run.

“Ironically, the very best people on the planet sometimes don’t present the most attractive example for the rest of the world to follow.
My vision is for vegans, as a group, to become an irresistible example for the rest of the world to follow. The way we do that is by creating happy, healthy, connected and purposeful lives that we truly love. -- And the way we do THAT is by learning to manage our minds and taking responsibility for our own thoughts, feelings and actions.
My coaching practice is dedicated to this very thing - helping you my fellow vegan, to understand and work with your unique mind, to heal and recover from Vystopia and find the fulfilment you seek in every area of your life.
This is my Whole Purpose.”

What is Vystopia?
Vystopia is the anguish of being vegan in a non-vegan world. It’s a normal emotional response to the discovery of society’s widespread abuse of animals. And it’s compounded by the trance-like collusion of the people around us with this dystopian world.
Coaching plans
Individual Coaching
Heal your Vystopia;
Create the relationships you want;
Solve any problem and reach any goal.
Coaching for Organisations
Empower and equip your people with the skills to maximise your impact;
Align their values with your vision, mission and purpose;
Help them become exquisite communicators and collaborators in service of your goals.

Vegan-specific mindset coaching
I create a space of unconditional acceptance in which you get to unpack your thoughts about the non-vegan world and how you relate to it. With my support and guidance, you get to take an honest look at all of your relationships (vegan and non-vegan) and take back every bit of power that you may have given away.

Insights & Inspirations

Start creating a life you love now!
Contact Me
My Qualifications
Certified Professional Coach
Trauma Informed Coach
I hold an internationally accredited coaching qualification and nationally recognised certification in trauma informed coaching